Non-contact Surface Metrology Equipment Supplier | LDB Corp

Providing Precise, Non-contact Surface Measurement and Metrology Services

LDB Corp has the equipment to perform your non-contact surface metrology fast and efficiently. Our company provides the highest quality and accurate surface measurement products and metrology services to North America. We supply non-contact surface metrology instruments to industrial components and semiconductor companies that are applied for geometric dimensioning and tolerance that are made in the United States. We also provide robust metrology services including artifact recertification, contract surface inspection, application maintenance, on-site inspection, innovation consulting, and workshops.

LDB Corp Overview

The company was founded in 1997, with the intention of offering only the highest quality, highest accuracy surface measurement products and metrology services available. Today, LDB Corp provides surface metrology instruments and services to industrial component and semiconductor companies throughout the United States. These tools are applied for geometric dimensioning and tolerance by providing a 3D surface inspection of your components. LDB Corp also provides metrology services including recertification, contract inspection, application maintenance, on-site inspection, innovation consulting for startups, and workshops. LDB Corp's products and services provide companies with solutions that minimize risks in the supply chain, maximize profits by cutting production costs, and add real value.

Learn more about LDB and Corning Tropel Surface Metrology Instruments

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The rapid growth of the semiconductor industry due to the adoption of new technologies has created a highly competitive environment for manufacturers. Not only do technologies like photomasks have to be more advanced, but they also have to be smaller and less prone to failure due to consumer demands. This difficulty means that manufacturers must be more strict about their quality control and standards. Nevertheless, LDB's metrology instruments are specially devised to supply powerful tools that ensure 100 percent full surface output is measured with integrity and accuracy. Our calibration methods allow you to invest in knowledge, not costly production.

Learn more about Surface Metrology Instruments for Semiconductors.

Industrial Applications

Most manufacturers who are serious about the quality of their process and their products use metrology instruments to ensure the highest standards. From automotive manufacturers who need to ensure the integrity of their valves to companies in the medical technology industry whose calibration needs are critical, LDB's metrology instruments provide pinpoint accuracy and flexible application to provide successful output. Corning Tropel's tools ensure that you minimize supply chain risks such as product recall and maximize product consistency to the highest standards. We also provide application support for our calibration instruments.