Electronics semiconductors manufacturers operate in a highly competitive environment. Manufacturers around the world are constantly developing new technologies, while consumers are demanding higher quality output from their devices. The technologies are becoming smaller and the call for high quality devices is rising. As a manufacturer of semiconductors, you need innovation without sacrificing your economic bottom line. Using the semiconductor surface metrology instruments represented by LDB, semiconductors can be built with innovation, quality, and speed.
Industrial Manufacturing
Our surface metrology instruments can be used for medical technology, optics, electrical engineering, flat panel displays, aerospace and defense technologies, high pressure hydraulics, automotive industries, and any manufacturer that requires quality output for innovative products. Testing and calibration is made quick and easy with Corning Tropel surface metrology instruments, the industry leader of measurement and calibration quality control. LDB Corporation also provides contract inspection as a 3rd party non-biased certifier for your surface metrology instruments whether you're certifying for the first time or need recertification.